Free Kits & Courses
Building Self-Confidence by Unleashing Your Future Self
Journaling Kit
We all experience moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Even the most confident and happy people have moments where they think, “I’m such a failure.” "I can't do anything", "Bad things always happen to me".
It’s a part of being human. However, if you find yourself having these kinds of negative thoughts frequently or letting these feelings get in the way of living a healthy and happy life, it is time to do something about it. Congratulations for making the choice to do something for your SELF. This is an act of self-love.
In this KIT you will find (11 pages):
1.My Future Journal: It will help you start thinking about who you want to become and who you don't want to be anymore. It will help you rewire and build new neuronal pathways to reprogram your mind.
- To do every day in the morning or in the evening
2. Journal prompts: to help your mind to re-focus on the positive side of things in your life and in yourself. It will help you bring awareness on the state of being you are in, and as you move along in time, you will start seeing the improvement.
- To do twice a week.
Additionally, you will receive by email a video to explain how to use more efficiently this kit.

The benefits of meditation
There is not right way to meditate. There is only your way. Whatever makes you feel good.
With time and practice meditation will get more intense.
Play the video on the right to watch.
How to raise happy teens?
This is an audio powerpoint presentation I did for parents experiencing difficulties with their teenager.
In this one hour long deck, I share specific tools for you to help your teen find peace and happiness.
How to create change in your life.
We all have the power to change our life- the question is if you are ready for it or not.
Are you evolving or creating old patterns over and over again? There is no in between.
In order to change, the desire to change needs to be stronger than anything else to the point that "the thing to change" becomes unbearable.

Teaching appreciation to your kids and the benefits
The younger we teach our children to be grateful and show appreciation for the simplest things in life, the more we are teaching them to find alignement and happiness.
Appreciation and developing a feeling of gratitude is like a muscle. The more we practice, the stronger it becomes.